Spotlight Rewards Deprecation FAQ
Why is the Spotlight Rewards Program going away?
Snapchat’s unified Monetization Program was created to simplify our monetization offerings and provide eligible creators with more ways to get rewarded on Snapchat. The new, unified program allows eligible creators to monetize both Stories and Spotlight, giving them more flexibility in content distribution to better engage with their audience.
When will the program officially end?
The Spotlight Rewards Program will officially end on January 31, 2025.
What happens to Spotlight terms and how can creators accept new terms?
Spotlight Terms will terminate on January 31, 2025, after which any Snaps submitted to Spotlight will continue to be governed by the Snap Terms of Service. Eligible creators who are invited will be prompted to accept the updated Monetization Terms in-app, which must be accepted in order to participate in the unified Monetization Program.
Will I still get paid for Snaps submitted until January 31, 2025?
Yes, Snaps submitted by creators that qualify for the Spotlight Rewards Program in the month of January will be eligible to receive payment in February subject to compliance with the Spotlight Terms.
How long do I have to collect my payouts?
You may request payment for up to 2 years from the date of our in-app notification to you that you qualified for Spotlight Rewards, in accordance with Section 3 of the Spotlight Terms. If you do not request payment during that 2-year period, then, at the end of such period, we will disburse payment to your Payment Account, subject to your compliance with the Spotlight Terms.
What happens to Snaps submitted to Spotlight after January 31, 2025?
Snapchat’s unified Monetization Program was created to simplify our monetization offerings and provide eligible creators with more ways to get rewarded and grow their business on Snapchat. Though the Spotlight Rewards Program will end on January 31, 2025, creators still have an opportunity to grow their following and engagement by submitting to Spotlight. And, creators invited to the new, unified Monetization Program will continue to have the opportunity to monetize their Spotlight videos. Further details are available via the Creator Hub.