By default, only 'Friends' you’ve added on Snapchat can contact you directly or view your Story.
How to change your privacy settings 👯
- Tap the ⚙️ button in the Profile screen to open Settings
- Scroll down to the 'Privacy Controls' section and tap an option
- Choose an option, then tap the back button to save your choice
Privacy settings options
Who Can Contact Me: Choose who can contact you directly with Snaps, Chats, calls, etc.
Send Me Notifications: Choose to receive notifications from everyone or just your friends. Learn more about notifications settings for iOS and Android.
Who Can View My Story: Choose who can view your Story. Tap ‘Custom’ if you’d like to block specific friends from seeing your Story.
If you are a Public Profile, you will have to go to your profile to adjust your My Story privacy settings.
Who Can See My Location: Choose who can view your location on the Snap Map. Your location won’t be shared on the Map until you open it for the first time.
Who Can Use My Cameos Selfie: Choose who can use your Cameos selfie in two-person Cameos.
Who Can See Me In Find Friends: Choose who can see you in Quick Add, a feature that makes it easier to find and add friends. Note: It could take up to 72 hours for any change to this setting to take effect.
Activity Indicator: Choose to let other Snapchatters see if you have been active on Snapchat recently.
A few things to remember
Even if you choose ‘My Friends,’ anyone you’re in a Group with will be able to communicate with you in Group Chat. To see who’s in a Group before you jump in, just press and hold on the name of the group in the Chat screen!
If you choose ‘My Friends,’ you won’t see Snaps sent to you by non-friends — you’ll just get a notification that they added you as a friend. If you add them back, you’ll be able to see the Snap they sent you!
If you choose 'Everyone’ for ‘Contact Me,’ even Snapchatters you haven't added will be able to send you Snaps and Chats
If you post a Snap to your Story, and then change your settings so only friends can see your Story, others may still be able to see the Snaps you posted before the change
Pro Tip 💡 If you’d like to receive Snaps from ‘Everyone’ but only want to receive notifications when ‘Friends’ Snap you, you can change your notification settings for iOS or Android in Snapchat settings > Notifications.