As a Snapchat+ subscriber, you'll get one free in-app Snapstreak Restore to use each month.
Please Note: The month begins on the day of the month your subscription started. So if you subscribed to Snapchat+ on the 14th of the month, you will have one free restore until the 13th of the following month, and on the 14th your free restore will reset.
To use your one free monthly Snapstreak Restore...
- Go to your Profile and tap your Snapchat+ membership card
- Tap 'Snapstreak Restore'
- Choose one of your recently expired Snapstreak to restore for free!
If you’ve already used your one free Restore for the month, you’ll have to pay for any additional restores during that month with an in-app purchase.
Please Note: Unused free Restores don't roll over to the next month