Snapchat Support Using Snapchat Create Snaps Taking Snaps I can’t get Long Snap to work If you don’t seem to have Long Snap, then your device may not support this feature 😓 But you can still create video Snaps! Was this article helpful? Yes No Sorry about that! What did you find unhelpful about this article? This article didn't answer my question or solve my problem This article was hard to understand This article isn't accurate or doesn't match what I see in Snapchat I don't like how the feature described in this article works Submit Thanks for your feedback! Articles in this section {[{}]} {[{ isSectionExpanded ? "Hide ▴" : "Show more ▾" }]} Related articles How do I create a Snap? My Snaps won’t send or load Why don’t I have a new Camera feature yet on Snapchat? How to Save a Snap or Friend's Story in Chat Can I use Dual Camera if it’s not supported by my device?