What is Snap Feed?
Memories is the home for your intentionally saved moments captured on Snapchat, and Snap Feed makes it even easier to find your favorite ones!
Snap Feed brings your Memories to life by organizing them based on the things you like, reimagining them with AI, and more! You can even include the pictures and videos from your Camera Roll if you grant permission.
When you grant Camera Roll permission, information about the content of your Camera Roll (such as the creation date and location) will be sent to our servers, but please note that your Camera Roll media is not backed up by Snapchat.
How does Snapchat create generated images in Snap Feed?
The generated images you see in Snap Feed use your My Selfie. If you’ve set up My Selfies, they can be used to create new Snaps featuring you and enhanced with generative AI. You may also appear in your friends’ Snap Feeds, but you can opt out of this by changing your settings. Continue to the section below to learn how.
How do I opt out of appearing in my friends’ feeds?
If you don’t want to appear in your friends’ feeds, you can disallow friends from being able to use your My Selfies:
- Tap ⚙️ in My Profile to open Settings
- Tap ‘My Selfie’ under ”My Account”
- Under “Who Can…” tap ‘Generate with My Selfie’ to change the Setting to ‘Only Me’