Creative Tools
These guidelines apply to your submission of an order for Snap to run a Creative Tool. All submissions are subject to the Custom Creative Tools Terms. We update the Snap terms, policies, and guidelines from time to time, so please review them regularly. Capitalized terms not defined in these guidelines have the meanings set forth in the Custom Creative Tools Terms.
As part of the submission process Snap may ask you whether the Creative Tool is personal (a “Personal Custom Creative Tool”) or for a business (a “Business Custom Creative Tool”).
- Business Custom Creative Tools: (a) are submitted on behalf of a business; (b) include any branding, logos, or business marks or names; or (c) promote a business or brand.
- Personal Custom Creative Tools are other Custom Creative Tools.
Your Creative Tool needs to follow these guidelines below.
Click to jump to a section:
- Content Requirements
- Intellectual Property
- Places and Dates
- Submission Tips
- Business Guidelines
- Support
Content Requirements
Do not submit an Asset that:
- Uses business names, marks, logos, or trademarks you don’t own or have authorization to use.
- Uses or is suggestive of Snap’s trademarks or products. This includes references to our properties or products, including “Snap,” “Snapchat,” “Spectacles,” the Ghost Logo, the Spectacles Logo, the Snapchat user interface, and Snapcodes.
- Suggests any partnership with or endorsement by Snap.
- May incite or glorify violence or the use of weapons.
- Includes obscene language or imagery, depictions of nudity, sex acts, or profanity.
- May be considered offensive by a particular group of individuals, or that could foster negative stereotypes, such as slurs or other derogatory language.
- Promotes dangerous, harmful, or illegal activity, including drug-related content or encouraging Snapping while driving.
- Contains phone numbers, emails, URLs, Snapcodes, download instructions, social media platform logos, social media usernames, or personal information.
- Any Creative Tool that contains political speech must include "Filter paid for by [insert name of purchaser]" or “Lens paid for by [insert name of purchaser],” as applicable, in 40 pixel height and with a shadow background on that text. Examples of political content include political issue advocacy, or promotion of certain political parties and candidates.
- For additional content restrictions and guidance please see our Advertising Policies and Community Guidelines.
Intellectual Property
- You must obtain all necessary rights and permissions for the content you submit as part of a Creative Tool. This includes obtaining all necessary performance rights for music included in a Creative Tool, and paying all applicable royalties for the music.
- Rightsholders and their agents can report alleged intellectual property infringement found in Creative Tools to Snap. Snap takes all complaints regarding intellectual property infringement seriously and will investigate them. Takedowns are processed at Snap’s discretion. We make no guarantees as to the outcome of our investigations or the legitimacy of the complaints we receive. To report intellectual property infringement on Snapchat, please see our Support Site.
Places and Dates
- Thoughtfully select the area over which your Creative Tool will run. Snap will use location information to determine if a Snapchatter is within this area. However, device location information is not always exact, so it’s important to select an area that doesn’t use too many points or thin areas.
- Select dates and times that you’re confident will cover the time you want the Creative Tool to be active.
Submission Tips
- Creative Tools are a playful and fun experience. Be creative and make it visually compelling. Make something that Snapchat users will want to send to their friends. We strive to ensure a positive and inclusive experience for Snapchatters around the world, and will reject or remove any Creative Tool that we believe is in violation of this spirit.
- Files should be sized 1080x2340px. Use the purchase tool preview page to see how it will look on different devices.
- Files should be under 300KB in size and saved as a .PNG file with a transparent background.
- No more than two lines of non-stylized text.
- Name your Creative Tool something you will remember - that way it will be easier to understand your results.
- Don't cover up too much of the screen.
- Make sure it's relevant to the location.
- For Business Custom Creative Tools, no photographs of people.
- For additional tips, please see our Support Site.
Business Guidelines
- If you are submitting a Business Custom Creative Tool, you must include a business name.
- For Business Custom Creative Tools, Snap may display your business name when it makes the Creative Tool available to Snapchatters. Please go here for more info.
- If you would like to run ad campaigns on Snapchat, please visit our Business Center.
- If a Creative Tool does not follow our Community Guidelines, please report it to Snapchat.