Please contact Apple, Google or the third party you purchases the subscription from to request a refund. Learn how to request a refund through the App Store for iOS or the Google Play Store for Android. If you purchased your Snapchat+ subscription through a third party partner like Verizon +play, please contact Verizon for +play support.
Refunds must be requested through the iOS App Store, Android Play Store or the third party partner and are not processed by Snapchat.
It is not possible to receive a refund for the remainder of a Snapchat+ subscription period after cancelling. You will be able to use Snapchat+ until your paid month expires. For example, if you subscribe to Snapchat+ on July 15th and your cancel on July 25th, you retain access to Snacpchat+ until August 15th.
Please Note: iOS users must cancel subscriptions 24 hours before the 7-day trial ends in order to avoid being charged. If you cancel on the last day of the trial, Apple will automatically renew your subscription.