Submit a request

⚠️ Important: We're bringing Snapstreak Restore into the Snapchat app! Soon, you'll be able to restore lost Streaks with an in-app purchase. Once this feature is available to everyone, filling out the form on our support website to request Snapstreak restoration will no longer be supported.

Sorry to hear you're having issues with Snapstreaks 😓 To keep a Snapstreak going, you and your friend must both send each other a Snap (not a Chat) at least once every 24 hours.

If you need help with something else, check out our support site for more information.

Your Snapchat username (no spaces), or write "none"

Email associated with your Snapchat account (if applicable)

Include country code (e.g. +1-202-555-0192)

Please provide as much detail as possible, such as why you think your account may be hacked or details of the bug you're experiencing

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